Equivariant Maps for Hierarchical Structures

Renhao Wang 1, Marjan Albooyeh 1, Siamak Ravanbakhsh 2,3
1University of British Columbia, 2McGill University, 3Mila

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020 [Oral]

Composing two equivariant maps for smaller sequences into a larger equivariant map for a two-level hierarchy (sequence of sequences) follows a simple broadcast + pool operation.


While using invariant and equivariant maps, it is possible to apply deep learning to a range of primitive data structures, a formalism for dealing with hierarchy is lacking. This is a significant issue because many practical structures are hierarchies of simple building blocks; some examples include sequences of sets, graphs of graphs, or multiresolution images. Observing that the symmetry of a hierarchical structure is the "wreath product" of symmetries of the building blocks, we express the equivariant map for the hierarchy using an intuitive combination of the equivariant linear layers of the building blocks. More generally, we show that any equivariant map for the hierarchy has this form. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach to model design, we consider its application in the semantic segmentation of point-cloud data. By voxelizing the point cloud, we impose a hierarchy of translation and permutation symmetries on the data and report state-of-the-art on Semantic3D, S3DIS, and vKITTI, that include some of the largest real-world point-cloud benchmarks.

More Examples of Simple Hierarchies and their Equivariant Maps

Sequence of sequences

Sequence of sets

Set of sets

Set of sequences

Results on Point Cloud Segmentation - Semantic3D (Outdoor)

Results on Point Cloud Segmentation - S3DIS (Indoor)

Results on Point Cloud Segmentation - vKITTI (Virtual)